Newa Guthi, New York was established in 2007 as a non-profit organization since then this organization has been actively enrolling to promote and conserve our multi-culture and tradition in America and beyond. Since 2014, this organization has joined with Federation of Indigenous peoples of Nepal in America (FIPNA) and being collectively working as a team to promote and flourish our indigenous culture and heritage and to protect our rights, globally.
This organization has been organizing different cultural and social events every year such as Mha Puja, Picnic , Kayeta Puja , Ihi Ceremony etc . Understanding the importance of Nepal Samvat from this year 2017, we started Nepal Samvat Rally in New York City for the first time.
Beside preserving and flourishing our culture, this organization had also done many tremendous social and humanitarian activities to help and support to the most needed people and also to promote our Newa tradition through various ways, that are listed below.
Past activities are follows:
Fund raising and distributing the collected funds in Nepal through different channels after the massive Earthquake.
Helping financial support to Sarita Maharjan in Nepal through collecting funds from our benevolent members .( Note : she went through financial hardship after transferring some portion of liver to her father )
Supporting to Prasha Tuladhar by raising funds during her lung transparent in New York.
Sending collecting funds to floods victims of Terai region after the hundreds of life were displaced and washed away by disastrous floods.
Raising the voice by submitting Memorandum to Nepal Consulate in New York against the rhetoric act of Nepal Government on road expansion projects.
Actively participating in Indigenous Film Festival which was organized by Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Nepal in America (FIPNA). We were glad that our “Krisha Gautum” movie was nominated and won the Best Editor Title in this Film Festival.
Promoting our Newar arts and literatures through screening historical “Kirtipur” Movie in New York City .
Promoting Dhimay Pau Newa Magazine in America which published by Jyapu Samaj, Yala .
Organizing appreciation program for Padma Ratna Tuladhar etc .
Future goals are follows:
Establishing Newa Guthi office and running the Nepal Bhasa Class in New York City .
Bringing Nepal Bhasa programs for the children in America.
Establishing Newa Guthi emergency funds to help needed members and non-members of this organization.
Establishing the Nepal Bhasa library
Organizing the Culture Show yearly basis.
Publishing Newa Guthi Smarika Magazine and many more activities, that helps to enhance and flourish our Newa community.
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